Today we have a different schedule, as we'll work for much fewer hours than usual: we just have a black currant field to (carefully) clean up. With more hours of the day available, I feel the inevitable pressure of having to make the most of it: not only do I have the usual stuff to carry on with – the Slovene practice, eventually some yoga, the cooking, etc. – I'd also like to go to Maribor and get a check up on the bike.
There is a sort of community bike shop in the city: it usually gathers the people at Thursdays from 4PM to 8PM; alas, that's only tomorrow. So I suppose I'll stay over today, and prepare myself to leave tomorrow in the afternoon a little earlier than usual.
I just heard from the bike shop; they're not running the workshop tomorrow, so maybe I'll go there this afternoon – and possibly put some climbing in! I'd just like to have a second pair of eyes over the bicycle, and afterward I might do the maintenance myself. We'll see how this goes.
On another news, yesterday I realised that my file manager is currently detecting the iPhone. I installed fuse
a week ago or so, but I still could not get any information whatsoever from the command line. So I googled a bit, and found out I have pcmanfm
installed; not only it can look into the iPhones photo folder – this is great! – it can also access foobar
's music directory – which is also huge! So that's two issues solved at once.
The morning work went very smoothly. We weeded out the black currants; it was not so hard, and I find weeding to be very satisfying in general; after a couple of minutes, the plant goes from being a mess to very clean. I also listened to some records: Youth Lagoon's The Year of Hibernation, balans' nima smisla, and a couple of Daniel Caesar's new tracks.

After the nap, I still had most of the afternoon ahead, and I spent it fiddling with making the blog publicly available on the internet. I finally made it work, so I'm finally looking at the prospect of communicating the blog. There are some things pending, still: some Slovene resources, more hyperlinks and notes...but this is a start.