
9th July 2023 at 10:21pm

rebounding from some sort of extreme happiness

Yesterday evening, a little after being clean and fresh from the well-deserved, after Maribor-to-Jurovski-Dol-in-an-hour-bike-ride shower, I said out loud, well aware to be in a conversation with Paula, that the day had been so immensely pleasurable that certainly the day after could not keep up.

I might have jinxed it, or just some confirmation bias, or whatever phenomenom fit to explain it; indeed, today was a little harsher.

Of course, the night was cut short: we went to bed quite late, having had quite a hefty (but delicious) dinner much later than usual as well; and either my body responds to that, or I am conditioned to believe the things I believe in, and whatever the case it may be, I woke up early, meditated and did the yoga; put the Slovene in, and did my programming – but could not avoid this restlessness of feeling like I wasn't doing the right things, or the need of doing some other things, even, if possible to do all things at once.

confronting some uncomfortable situations

It's not comfortable, and it's highly unsustainable to go through these processes. I must equip myself with some better tools to handle these moments: possibly to have a stronger grip on my meditation, and a more reliable way to understand when the present situation requires a reset. Otherwise, it is a very slippery slope into some bad habits, bad feelings, bad thoughts; and in this particular moment of my life, one in which I don't really have many flexibility in terms of venting mechanisms, there's a recurrent pattern in binge eating compensations.

At some point in the afternoon, exhausted by the uncomfortable feeling of just not knowing what to do and feeling very uncomfortable in my own skin, I went to a nearby park and put out every single calisthenic exercise I could imagine: pull-ups, chin-ups, planks, jumping jacks, doing laps in a football field – you name it. Of course, I felt much better afterwards, but the harm was done. Tomorrow will be better, anyway.