
9th July 2023 at 10:34pm

catching up with the consequences of missing the routine

I woke up around 7AM. I don't quite remember when I lost control of the routine, but, well, here's the result. It's easier on the weekends, because there are no work schedules; but tomorrow it all starts again, and we have some very rough days ahead: lots of heat, and we'll also work during the weekend, as two old friends of the farm are coming over to help with some clay constructions. It's quite exciting, but I'll need to be at the top of my game to withstand ten or so consecutive days of farm work.

the day, abridged

Did the meditation, did the yoga; then, Slovene. Today I translated a poem; it was a nice experience. I'm currently reading Zinsser's On Writing Well, a delicious book on technique, methods and attitudes for non-fiction writing, and there's a great chapter on words. There was a specific passage that really struck me; I quote,

If you have any doubt of what a word means, look it up. Learn its etymology and notice what curious branches its original root has put forth. See if it has any meanings you didn't know it had. Master the small gradations between words that seem to be synonyms.

It was, however, a very slow day: lots of computer work – solved the whole of Puzzle #7 of the Revival of Code – and did some reading outside (I'm getting entranced by John Dos Passos' 42th Parallel. I cooked lunch, a mixture of fresh vegetables, some conserves and millet, and it was delicious; it happened, however, that I did a bad cut on a finger while preparing cucumbers for some salad. Hopefully it will heal soon.

some thoughts on strength training and fitness

Throughout the day, I progressively felt the muscle burn from yesterday's training, and yet I was looking forward to another one. I had it in the goals for today to figure out some sort of training routine, but didn't manage to fit it in – so I just did a twenty minute run in the later part of the day, and it felt great: although I have spent lots of time in the bike before coming to Slovenia, it's rare to get the feeling of sweat profusely dripping from the forehead.

I have my own set of wishes and expectations for some strength training and general fitness – the farm work and yoga are not enough – and I hope to come back to this soon.