I didn't write much in the last few days; I suppose I'll retroactively write the blog entries just for the sake of remembrance; it's interesting to try and reconstruct the days from memory and photos alone.
The morning was nice; I naturally woke up very early, at 5:30AM, even though the rhythm is not yet the regular one – still a little sluggish, still a little lazy. I managed to leave the house after half an hour, and do yoga at the sports center; but the energy and focus weren't quite there. I really dislike being thrown off the sleep and rest rhythm, but I suppose I am getting back it. Before we started the works, there was still an hour to study some Slovene – I'm happy with the progress I have been doing.
Then, at 8:30AM, we met Sara and Sani again, with whom we have been learning in the Natural Construction Workshop. This time, I'd be under the guidance of Sara to do some measures and woodworking. I do not yet understand how the small things we do fit in the big picture of the final result of the room – in fact, I don't even know what the final result is supposed to look like –, but there's definitely some progress, and the process has been very enjoyable. It was curious to hear so many mentions from my colleague volunteers to the state of flow, so easily experienced when doing the plaster for the rooms. The task is very repetitive, albeit moderately technical, and the results are quickly appreciated – feedback is immediate. A good plastering gesture will have the clay glue to the wall; otherwise, it will fall, and a good fall means it...
...I was saying, a good fall, at best, means the clay falls on top of the plastering float again, instead of the floor. Many times it would fall on the floor until I realised less is, in this case, definitely more.

There's more to say, of course; but I'm tired. I cannot be at the computer so long, and so late. Yesterday was a very rough day; so much so it felt like two, physically and mentally speaking; it served as a very stern reminder of the importance of resting, and how it will positive or negatively affect my energy, mood, and overall well-being.