Haskell MOOC

alex 1st May 2024 at 12:43pm

As lectured by the University of Helsinki? This is a great MOOC and I had lots of fun with the first part.

These aren't very good notes by any measure; just some scribblings about things I found interesting, and maybe some thoughts I could catch up with later. I'm really not an expert in Haskell by any means!

Lecture notes

1 Lecture 1: ...And so It Begins
2 Lecture 2: Either You Die a Hero...
3 Lecture 3: Catamorphic
4 Lecture 4: Real Classy
5 Lecture 5: You Need a String For a Knot
6 Lecture 6: Working Class Hero
7 Lecture 7: New Constellations
8 Lecture 8: The Aftertaste

Exercise sets

01 Set 1
02 Set 2a
03 Set 2b
04 Set 3a
06 Set 4a
07 Set 4b
09 Set 5b
11 Set 7