a tentative cooking philosophy

 14th March 2024 at 12:30pm
  • I find food to be, first and foremost, a medium for well-being;
  • it is such via the properties of nutritional value, set and setting, integration with the surrounding community, and the simple, universal, pleasure of eating;
  • cooking is an act of love, devotion, and humility. It is caring for others and oneself;
  • cooking for others is in same measure a privilege and a responsibility.

My personal guidelines for cooking are:

  • assess the number of people to feed, their preferences and limitations; find a suitable common ground among all;
  • assess the available space and equipment;
  • assess the available foods and ingredients, and consider factors like seasonality, availability, and ethics of production;
  • unless in a very specific situation that demands it, I prefer not to cook what I'd rather not eat (dairy, fish and meat);