Adoro Bolos

recogarden-script 17th February 2024 at 6:33pm

2018 was the breakthrough year for Conan Osíris, a great example of a fringe artist completely taking over the mainstream media. The persona brought an innate queerness that was not necessarily about (or exclusive to) the sexual realm: the lyrics mentioned Pokémon, there were thorough references to Portuguese culture and history, the musical tapestry consisted on many intermingled layers of electronic, «low culture» (eg. estética carrinhos de choque).

A chicha bóia

E a clarabóia da caraça se abre ali

Se água afaga

A mágoa afoga, alaga

Eu mereço mergulhar contigo ali

Nessa praia

Batatas, douradinhos

E que nunca, nunca mais caia o sol

Nessa praia

Um bongo e uns bolinhos

Uma sandes de carne assada e um rissol

E mais nada

A delightful example of the richness abound in the fringes of the mainstream. Shortly after the release of the record, I got a lucky chance for an e-mail interview.


TitleAdoro Bolos
AuthorConan Osíris
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