an example of a simple defusion exercise after an interrupted sleep

kobogarden 4th June 2024 at 9:53am

A kind of mental calm settles in when we experience the functional coherence of a mind focused on what works. Let me give a personal example. In a talk I gave at Stanford, I was talking about the incredible increase in the use of sleeping medication, but instead of documenting the rise in billions of dollars, I said “trillions.” I did not notice the error at the time, but my mind did because in the middle of the night I sat bolt upright and cried out loud, “Trillions?!! You idiot!” Within seconds I was pacing the room berating myself for my stupidity until it occurred to me to do Titchener’s word repetition exercise, which I described in Chapter Four. I sat on the corner of the bed and for thirty seconds, I repeated the word stupid. Then I was done. Within minutes I was back to sleep. It was not worth any more of my time.