being at ease with the idea of being a forever work in progress

kobogarden 20th May 2024 at 8:03pm

As in, there is no endgame. I resonate with the idea of "having to be somewhere else".

You’ll likely emerge at some point into a clearing and feel the urge to pronounce yourself healed—that you’re now “rid of that stuff.” That’s a trap, because the next little whiff of “that stuff” has the potential to drag you right down again, and your mind can turn ANYTHING into “that stuff” when the fear alarm is ringing. Be OK with being a work forever in progress. Allow for a place for pain in your life. That’s always been reality. Your mind will come up with crackpot theories about how you can find a new life with no pain or unease at all. That’s a lie. What happens if you buy into all that? Well, no version of reality has a chance of ever being good enough, and your mind just keeps saying “Ahhh! Keep running! Keep fighting! We’re not there yet!” I beg to differ. Even now, in the midst of pain, you’re so very, very close to the valued and fulfilling life you seek, because what you are right now is all that you truly need. Challenge the notion that you have to get to “somewhere else.” There are things about our habits that we all need to change, but we can start by just learning to see, to be here, and to care.