fhl-A Liberated Mind

 4th June 2024 at 9:59am

a tangent thought into children not being able to play in the streets
an introduction to the first pivot of defusion
the turning towards the pain is common in other therapy approaches
a possible definition of psychological rigidity
first pivot needs the realisation that thoughts are automatic
an example of a simple defusion exercise after an interrupted sleep
in opposition to psychological rigidity, the flexible attention and its definition
humanistic therapy in opposition to psychoanalytic theory
some defusion exercises
studies show action during mind wandering
psychological flexibility allows for better attention
a tangent insight into the cognitive process of language learning
an exercise in understanding the automaticity of thoughts
rumination and vulnerability to generalized anxiety disorder
still more insights from the relational learning into sense of self
a sign of having entered into fusion
the beginning of the sense of self at the age of three or four
misapplying our problem solving capabilities to our own lives
self-esteem can be misguided and a toxic asset
a first exercise in difusion, but I'm mostly interested in the pixels part
why the Self pivot is important and how does it act
the mind simultaneously argues for both sides on an argument
the problem-solving attitude in common therapy approaches
the first pivot in Values
a misdirected appreciation of one's own values
who are the people I deeply respect or admire?
ACT as applied evolution science
the ten areas of life therapists asked about in a study
being at ease with the idea of being a forever work in progress
an exercise in recognising avoidant behaviour