first steps in constant definitions and modularisation

7th February 2024 at 1:18pm

To start the project, I wanted to define a few important constants. Simultaneously, these constants should be private; as in, not commited to the repository, because of sensitive data, privacy, etc.

As usual (at least, my experience with Python) it can be a bit tricky. Below is a skeleton of the constants.

(define-constant API-KEY "")
(define-constant BASE-URL "")
(define-constant USERNAME "")
(define-constant USER-ID "")

After some compilation struggles, I managed to find a solution by using the (include _).

(import test)
(import http-client)
(import simple-exceptions)
(include "api-consts.scm")

Next step is to try and make the HTTP requests to the API.

I am not so far. My scheme friend showed me some code that should be useful to my use case.