greek learning resources

alex 30th June 2024 at 1:06pm

this might look a bit extreme, but this is my usual setup for retrieving content from Language Transfer after practicing a lesson once or twice: audio file on top with Anki on its side, and the transcript below (in case I miss anything) and Wiktionary for further readings!

Μαθαίνω κυρίως από Language Transfer και λίγο Anki.

DeepL for reliable translations;

Wiktionary for word definitions (what a godsend-resource!)

EasyGreek for videos and listening exercises (maybe more Slow Greek at the beginning)

Translatum has got some idiomatic expressions translated. It is useful for stuff like άμα λάχει, etc.

I am also keen on finding children books — so far, I've got ahold of ο μικρός πρίγκιπας, Aesop's fables (these might be a little too much for now!) and som works from Eugene Trivizas.