improve url space handling

alex 11th June 2024 at 7:08pm

Everytime a tiddler is created, it retains the spaces from its title in the filename (is that why CamelCase is recommended for titles? 🤔). In any case, I like my spaces — but when deploying publicly, the url's get very messy. So I need to think of a way to make this work better.

2024-04-22-Monday: I have a few ideas. There's an intention to envelop the (public) website in some javascript framework (like Svelte) but maybe that is overkill; it should be possible to make TiddlyWiki render the url's in some other way.

The 'live' TiddlyWiki renders the hyperlinks appropriately (with spaces, correct formatting); but the static renderer changes the link both on the .html files and their content.

Below is the static page,

and, now, the node.

It seems, however, that this is intended behaviour, which I imagined to be so. But the URL's are so ugly 😩

This is now on slugogarden log.