
Β 24th March 2024 at 7:13pm

Already in 1877, Robert Louis Stevenson called busyness a β€œsymptom of deficient vitality,” and observed β€œa sort of dead-alive, hackneyed people about, who are scarcely conscious of living except in the exercise of some conventional occupation.” And, after all, we only go around once. Seneca, in β€œOn the Shortness of Life,” describes the horror of looking back to see that life has slipped between our fingers.

from How to Do Nothing

This is not a particularly fun tiddler to write.

I am very interested in the theory of work: to understand why we do what we do, which were the trends leading to the current situation, and what we can aim for in the (near) future.

And in the meantime β€” unless a great opportunity arises β€” I'll be (formally) unemployed.

things I look out for in a potential job