more hints of anti-capitalism, standardisation of the human experience, etc.

paotsaq21st February 2024 at 7:29pm

It is earnest to note how Morley seems to truly believe art is something so essential that ultimately helps us cope with the environments that enclose ourselves.

Art is ultimately what helps us deal with the turbulent, sometimes toxic force of change; it explains it, predicts it, contains it, is a necessary antidote to the rampaging forces of those claiming power, dictating morals, reducing freedom, setting us apart and shredding truth and beauty. It is the most vital corrective alternative to the self-generating entrepreneurial energy that generally exploits technological change and natural disaster, mostly to make money and take control of our interests. It is a mysterious, at best uncontrollable form of opposition to those who use the developments in technology to herd us into obedient, pacified communities whose sole function is ultimately to consume and download and disappear into a kind of censored, gated territory of lifestyle ease, merciless entertainment and moral indifference, until there’s nothing left of what once seemed inviolably human.