open-source and offline dictionaries

alex15th September 2024 at 1:27pm

Due to my work with ankigarden and kobogarden, I now realise how important it is to have access to a good dictionary. Unfortunately, it seems like — as many things in the knowledge world — it is a bit hard to get to good, reliable, extensive good sources.

If I want to translate something without internet access — and ideally with some sort of API, so I can do scripts and programs around it — it's a bit more difficult. First, one must find good dictionaries available, and that is not trivial: there's the dict protocol, and one could try to find something that works with it (there are a few, fortunately); there's Wiktionary, which could be on the forefront to being the best, due to its collaborative nature...

In fact, I've been using Wikipedia (as many do!) for a really long time. But only after reading some chapters of this book did I feel like I could be a (very very very small) part of it — it being the Wikimedia umbrella of projects.

However, some hope! There is some great work done at Kaikki, which I hope to explore at some point.