project ideas

alex10th May 2024 at 3:16am

a script to take audio snippets from songs

music is cool, and i'm fascinated by the earworms that tend to lurk in my mind every once a while. Some are just so good that I feel they could be collected.

This was inspired by, albeit not only,

fka twigs - oh my love, from 0:59 onwards

As for an interface, something that would syncronize a song to its lyrics, making it possible to search by both words and sound. It's probably not too hard to implement.

a small script to remind for 40 second screen breaks every 20 minutes

Title is self-explanatory. This is ocular good-practice.

a tool to analyse circularity in my notes

I'd like for the public-website to be infinitely clickable; not to have dead-ends, and keep providing new paths.

That was the prompt I set myself a couple of months ago. Having done the beginner Haskell course — and with plans to keep pursuing it further — it is probably a nice tool to model this problem in. It probably involves graphs, which is something I'm not very knowledgeable about.

a tutoring platform for my students

I do tutoring and I could use a platform that would handle a few things:

— host my own video calls (with the use of something like jitsi-meet;

— host notes/documents/recordings between my students and me;

— have a homework assigner / flashcard service for benefit of the students;

— possibly have its own scheduler (something like calendly).

embed javascript to get total hours in tiddler

I make note of the total hours of tutoring inside TiddlyWiki. It has the following format:


What I then do is copy the formatting


and run through a Python script. But this is not too convenient, because I must load the script (externally), etc. Couldn't I just devise a quick Javascript that would be loaded inside all of these tiddlers — and calculate the total hours either dynamically or at the click of a button?

ocr recognition of pages

I still read on paper, and I'd like to have some quotes from these books as well. How difficult would it be to code a quick ocr interface to get quotes?

This might also come in handy for my tutoring and other mathematical explorations. Sometimes I'd really like to organise all the random exercise .pdf files I have, and something like pix2text could be useful.