15th March 2024 at 1:02pm
Find the sum of all multiples of 3 or 5 below 1000
(import test)
; Integer -> Boolean
; determines whether a number is divisible by 3 or 5
(define (divisible-by-three-or-five n)
(or (eq? (remainder n 5) 0)
(eq? (remainder n 3) 0)))
(test #t (divisible-by-three-or-five 5))
(test #f (divisible-by-three-or-five 7))
; Integer, Integer -> Integer
; iterates until n, recursively summing
; i is the current iteration (starts at 1)
; res is the sum of divisors up to i
(define (iterate-through-n n i res)
(if (eq? i n)
(if (divisible-by-three-or-five i)
(iterate-through-n n (+ i 1) (+ res i))
(iterate-through-n n (+ i 1) res))))
(test 3 (iterate-through-n 5 1 0))
(test (+ 3 5 6 9) (iterate-through-n 10 1 0))
(define solve-problem-1
(iterate-through-n 1000 1 0))
(print solve-problem-1)