Find the 10001st prime
In my last days in Porto, I was hopping around many cafés, and some were not so friendly towards computers; and I felt like taking a break from screens, anyway, so I bore some pen and paper to tackle these problems without, say, assisted computation.
Finding primes is an interesting problem. There are a few key ideas that I was already aware of:
— even numbers bigger than 2 are obviously not prime;
— for any number , one can infer that its biggest divisor is limited.
but apparently there's another very useful trick, which almost derives from any prime not being divisible by two — but I'll leave that up, too. It should be easy to find out a general form that primes can be expressed in.
Given that I was solving in pen and paper, I should have derived an algorithm that implements the rules stated above; but I sort of cheated and when with prime?
, which obviously simplifies matters further.
(import test)
(import (only (math number-theory)
; tail-recursively iterates over odd integers until `count` amount of primes is reached
; returns the nth prime over 2 (we omit 2 to reduce half of the function calls by iterating over odd numbers)
; Integer -> Integer -> Integer
(define (nth-prime-over-2 i count n)
(if (prime? i)
(if (= count n)
(nth-prime-over-2 (+ i 2) (+ count 1) n))
(nth-prime-over-2 (+ i 2) count n)))
(test 3 (nth-prime-over-2 3 1 1))
(test 13 (nth-prime-over-2 3 1 5))
;; retrieves the sum of the squares of naturals from 1 to (including) n
;; Integer -> Integer
(define (find-nth-prime n)
(if (= n 1)
(nth-prime-over-2 3 1 (- n 1))))
(test 2 (find-nth-prime 1))
(test 3 (find-nth-prime 2))
(test 13 (find-nth-prime 6))
(define (solve-problem-7 n)
(find-nth-prime n))
(print (solve-problem-7 10001))