some first tries at painting 🎨

alex13th May 2024 at 10:03pm

Ok, I'll admit it: I sort of think I actually like front-end development. Today I spent the afternoon trying to fix some things up with the design on the front-end, and while it is definitely not production grade, it has been fun to develop. Tailwind really does help — makes it very, very quick to develop.

At this point, the layout is passable but there are still a few back-end improvements to be had. Off the top of my head, a few things I need:

— serve documents and video files through nginx instead, and this must be behind authentication;

— properly deploy tailwind (I'm currently wielding the development CDN on production, which is not nice);

— implement a proper dark mode, although this is probably overkill and I'd rather tackle this on the next phase of the project (learning Elm)

— fix the layouts? I still haven't got the hang of it, and increasing the layout zoom will absolutely break everything.