The Redeemer

recogarden-script 17th February 2024 at 8:11pm

Dean Blunt's career is a tough one to describe. He's elusive and difficult to pin down. I did not pay much attention to his Hype Williams stint; The Redeemer was my first exposure to his work. And it was not immediate. The sparse instrumentals, the eerie settings; it's hauntologic and hypnagogic. He samples wildly; he is abrupt in direction changes.

It is music for (and because of) the internet age. It is intrinsically urban — just like Burial's; it's immensely vulnerable — just like Daniel Johnston's. There's plenty of writing on Dean Blunt; I don't have much to contribute, other than this earnest mention.

TitleThe Redeemer
AuthorDean Blunt
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