why the Self pivot is important and how does it act

kobogardenΒ 5th June 2024 at 3:17pm

The Self pivot takes the healthy energy of yearning to belong and swings it in the direction of reconnecting with our transcendent I/here/now sense of awareness, allowing that awareness alone to be at the core of what we take ourselves to be. This allows us to relate to others, and to ourselves, in a way not dominated by the distortions of the ego and its self-story. Just as important, it allows us to touch a much deeper sense of belonging that lies inside human consciousness itself. In making the Self pivot, through perspective-taking we connect with our awareness of our transcendent self in the here and now. This frees us from the grip of self-evaluation and the notion that we need to get others to buy into our stories of specialness in order to connect and belong. Instead, we realize we are connected to others in consciousness as our birthright as human beings, no matter how we match up to anyone’s evaluations or to our own.