work in progress

alex14th August 2024 at 2:39am

This started as some sort of blog to keep track of thoughts and ideas.

It expanded.

Whatever is currently visible — via clicking on links — is just a little part of a larger whole: there's what's written and publicly available, but not linked to; the written and not public; but also what's not written but only thought of, and what is there yet to think about; it will or would or might all be here,


and sometimes I wonder why go even undertake such an effort and maybe, maybe, what I am really trying to do is some kind of portrait of what I am (that's elusive), what my interests are (they change all the time), what can people expect from me (but this is just internet — only but letters on a screen) ——————

anyway: you might come across some dead-ends; it's okay. Just track back. And in any case feel welcome; be in touch!