Computers are a very natural environment for me, and I'm fond of trying to wield them with the purpose of making people's lives easier and happier. They're bicycles for the mind, and humankind is different, now that we have them.
In programming I have found a balance between the formality of abstract mathematics and the concrete application in real-world issues. I do many other things — but computers are a tool, my favorite tool, my hammer to which everything else is a nail. A very versatile hammer, indeed! 🔨
I have been recently been influenced by Richard Stallman's stance on Free Software (to which I can not fully abide by); thus, I have a preference towards libre software (with leeway!), which manifests in (compromised) avoidance of some services and media. I remember how the Internet was many years ago, and I see what it is now; and so I feel these are important choices to be making.