core concerns

alex5th April 2024 at 12:04am

Back in 2022, I remember tackling Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi's Flow; in one of the later chapters of the book, something along the lines of

a life worth being lived will have lots of flow moments aligned with our deep values and concerns.

I'm wildly paraphrasing and possibly even projecting — but I remember having absolutely no clue as to what my core concerns were. It's a bit more clear now: but that, in itself, unravelled another set of inquiries into life in general.

If anything, I knew my motivation to be reading the aforementioned book. Flow moments are nice and very enjoyable. There was a concern for something like maximum potential, whatever that may be; and slowly I came to question not necessarily the amount of effort, but what would it amount to.

This was, as far as I remember, the second big moment of the sort: the first came about when reading Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People; a prompt for my core values was kept blank.

Today, I'd have put a better draft of this.

4th of April, 2024: I just realised I had this already on my Wiki, although not public and apparently nowhere linked to. It has been a very big influence in the last couple of years.