Lifestyle Trends Within the Deep Ecology Movement

alex8th August 2024 at 12:49pm

[the following is a direct citation of Arne Naess', included in Ecology of Wisdom, a colection of essays from the Norwegian philosopher]

The following list offers ways that supporters of the deep ecology movement can joyfully adapt their lifestyle to the movement.

1. Use simple means; avoid unnecessary, complicated instruments and other sorts of means.

2. Choose activities most directly serving values in themselves and having intrinsic value. Avoid activities that are merely auxiliary, have no intrinsic value, or are many states away from fundamental goals.

3. Practice anticonsumerism. This negative attitude follows from trends 1 and 2.

4. Try to maintain and increase the sensitivity and appreciation of goods in sufficient supply for all to enjoy.

5. Eliminate or lessen neophilia – the love what is new merely because it is new.

6. Try to dwell in situations of intrinsic value and to act rather than being busy.

7. Appreciate ethnic and cultural differences among people; do not view the differences as threats.

8. Maintain concert about the situation in developing nations, and attempt to avoid a standard of living too much higher than that of the needy (maintain a global solidarity of lifestyle).

9. Appreciate lifestyles that can be maintained universally – lifestyles that are not blatantly impossible to sustain without injustice toward fellow humans or other species.

10. Seek depth and richness of experience rather than intensity.

11. Appreciate and choose, when possible, meaningful work rather than just making a living.

12. Lead a complex, not complicated, life, trying to realize as many aspects of positive experiences as possible within each time interval.

13. Cultivate life in community (Gemeinscaft) rather than in society (Gesellschaft).

14. Appreciate, or participate in, primary production – small-scale agriculture, forestry, fishing.

15. Try to satisfy vital needs rather than desires.

16. Attempt to live in nature rather than just visiting beautiful places; avoid tourism (but occasionally make use of tourist facilities).

17. When in vulnerable nature, live "light and traceless".

18. Appreciate all life-forms rather than merely those considered beautiful, remarkable, or narrowly useful.

19. Never use life-forms merely as means. Remain conscious of their intrinsic value and dignity, even when using them as resources.

20. When there is a conflict between the interests of dogs and cats (and other pet animals) and wild species, try to protect the wild species.

21. Try to protect local ecosystems, not only individual life-forms, and think of one's own community as part of the ecosystems.

22. Besides deploring the excessive interference in nature as unnecessary, unreasonable, and disrespectful, condemn it as insolent, atrocious, and criminal – without condemning the people responsible for the interference.

23. Try to act resolute and without cowardice in conflicts, but remain nonviolent in words and deeds.

24. Take part in or support nonviolent direct action when other ways of action fail.

25. Practice vegetarianism.