context and motivation for tutogarden
My tutoring activity is in need of something akin to a multi-purpose platform. There are some repetitive tasks I'd rather not do (manual file-sharing through e-mail or other third-party services, for example, both because I am forgetful but also with alignment with some other concerns of mine), and other workflow improvements I imagine to be useful — like to provide OCR content and pipe it into SageMath, for example.
From the first draft of features, I first tackled the easiest to implement: host notes/documents/recordings between my students and me.
chosen tech stack
Since I have experience with Django but no active projects in it, that was my choice for MVP; but from the get-go it was established that there will be a subsequent trimming of the service to an API, with a proper Javascript-based front-end to come.
It is deployed via containerisation.