
alex22nd October 2024 at 8:32am

Anki is a program which makes remembering things easy. Because it's a lot more efficient than traditional study methods, you can either greatly decrease your time spent studying, or greatly increase the amount you learn.

from Anki's official webpage

I have been experimenting a lot with Anki! My first try at it was when learning Slovene (in the Summer of 23'); it's been almost a year. My personal results are interesting and I see a lot of potential in these strategies: so far, I've used it to advance in some needed mathematics, as an aid in tutoring for my students, and, more recently, on my learning Greek. It has contributed to a renewed interest in cognition and tangent areas, and I have learned a few tricks which are long overdue in sharing!.

This might look a little extreme, but it's my usual desktop setup for taking notes of Language Transfer's lessons (after having heard a lesson once or twice): audio file on the top left, Anki on its right, and a transcript below (in case I miss anything!), and Wiktionary, for further reading.

While I don't properly organise some public notes on this, I'll share some Anki tips by hiAndrewQuinn (whom I had the pleasure to exchange some e-mails with!) and a general overview of what I do with my Greek learning:

things I want to explore with Anki

getting started with Anki (this is mostly for the purpose of getting the software to my students)