
alex 25th May 2024 at 3:52pm

Books are nice. I like books, libraries, bookshelves, bookstores, books in pictures, books in hands, books in public spaces. Consider me ailed with tsundoku. There's definitely a book for everyone and I've found great joy in the lending and receiving of books. And books are changing: this is also a reaction to that. (I am not oblivious to this page consisting mostly of non-fiction, technical, or self-help literature — maybe this will improve with time).

A Sound Mind
Paul Morley
Aprendendo a viver
Clarice Lispector
Gödel, Escher, Bach
Douglas Hofstadter
The Shallows
Nicholas Carr
As causas do atraso Português
Nuno Palma
Carta a D.
André Gorz
Portugal: A Revolução Impossível
Phil Mailer
Se numa noite de inverno um viajante
Italo Calvino
Sobre a Leitura
Marcel Proust
Ecology of Wisdom
Arne Næss
How To Design Programs
Robert Bruce Findler, Matthias Felleisen, Matthew Flatt, Shriram Krishnamurthi
How to Do Nothing
Jenny Odell
The Poetics of Space
Gaston Bachelard